How do I get rid of the Windows warning box when installing drivers?

The warning message is shown when the plug-n-play device driver (which is the part of the product driver set) is installed. If you install drivers in non-PnP mode (this is controlled by the corresponding parameter of the Install method) the warning message will not be shown.

Keep in mind that if you don't install the PnP driver, you won't be able to create virtual drives in PnP mode (i.e., those created when the StorageType property is set to STGT_DISK_PNP). PnP mode is required in order for certain functionality to work (e.g., the ability to "eject" the drive—as you would a USB drive—or having the drive visible in the Microsoft Management Console), and is also required in order for certain applications to be able to work with the drive (some applications only work with local PnP-mode drives). Additionally, PnP mode is the one used by "real" drives, so certain software assumes that all drives are PnP, and may crash if they encounter a non-PnP drive.

Note: The name "Callback Technologies, Inc." appears in the message because all of our drivers are digitally signed with our certificate. If you'd like the drivers to be signed using your company's certificate instead, please contact us to discuss possible options.

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