Connect to NFSServer on Linux and macOS


The NFSServer component is compatible with any NFS client-side implementation that supports NFSv4.0. In this guide, we will show how to connect to the server-side component using an NFS client hosted on both Linux (Ubuntu 24.04) and macOS (Big Sur 11.7.10).

NFSServer Configuration

In this guide, all parties are located in the common domain The machine hosting the NFSServer component will be named The client-side machine will be named

For sections regarding Kerberos authentication, the machine hosting the KDC will be named Additionally, it is assumed the server has been set up according to the guide here.

On all systems, the host files will contain entries for each entity, pointing to their respective IP addresses to ensure proper DNS name resolution. Assuming all of the noted steps are taken care of, the NFSServer will be configured as follows:

// For system authentication sections component.SecurityMechanism = "sys"; component.StartListening();
// For kerberos authentication sections component.SecurityMechanism = "krb5,krb5i,krb5p"; component.KeytabFile = "C:\keytabs\server.keytab"; component.StartListening();


First, it is assumed that the relevant NFS client-side packages are installed on the system. For Ubuntu 24.04, this involves installing the nfs-common package. If the server supports Kerberos, this would also involve installing the krb5-user and sssd-krb5 packages.

System Authentication

Connecting to the NFSServer component is straightforward with only system authentication enabled. Assuming you wish to mount the local directory /mnt/mynfs, you can simply connect to the component using the following command:

sudo mount -o 'vers=4,minorversion=0,port=2049' /mnt/mynfs

Note: This will mount the root directory on the server side. In /mnt/mynfs, you may still need to navigate to the appropriate directory for the user depending on the server's configuration of the share (if applicable). If you wish to mount a specific directory on the server-side share (e.g., /user/nfsdir), simply modify the command as follows:

sudo mount -o 'vers=4,minorversion=0,port=2049' /mnt/mynfs

Kerberos Authentication

Additional steps are required to connect to a server that supports Kerberos authentication. For this example, we assume the user principal nfs/ already exists in the KDC database (whether that is hosted on Windows or Linux). Assuming the client-side machine has installed the relevant packages and is configured to communicate with the KDC, you will need to extract the key into the local keytab:

$ sudo kadmin -p {user}/admin@EXAMPLE.COM -q "ktadd -kt /etc/krb5.keytab nfs/" Authenticating as principal {user}/admin with password. Password for {user}/admin@EXAMPLE.COM: Entry for principal nfs/ with kvno 2, encryption type aes256-cts-hmac-sha1-96 added to keytab WRFILE:/etc/krb5.keytab. Entry for principal nfs/ with kvno 2, encryption type aes128-cts-hmac-sha1-96 added to keytab WRFILE:/etc/krb5.keytab.

The keytab file now contains the relevant entry needed to connect to an existing service principal (assuming one is hosted by the KDC). After doing so, you may need to run kinit to ensure that the ticket cache contains an entry for the recently created user principal. For example:

kinit -kt /etc/krb5.keytab nfs/

The klist command can be used to verify the correct ticket is in use. After doing so, you can connect to the NFSServer component as follows:

sudo mount -o 'vers=4,minorversion=0,port=2049,sec=krb5' /mnt/mynfs

Note: The 'sec' command line option is set to krb5 above, indicating Kerberos is only performing user authentication. You may also set this to krb5i to enable integrity protection or to krb5p to enable data encryption (this is the most secure option).

Additionally, in the case of 'sec=krb5', the server-side will need to enable both krb5 and krb5i. Even when 'sec=krb5' is specified, the client-side implementation will typically use krb5i during certain operations (toward the beginning of the connection when establishing the client ID).


NFS and Kerberos are (typically) natively supported on macOS, and this will be assumed in this example.

System Authentication

Connecting to the NFSServer component is straightforward with only system authentication enabled. Assuming you wish to mount the local directory /Volumes/mynfs, you can simply connect to the component using the following command:

sudo mount -o "vers=4.0,port=2049" /Volumes/mynfs

Note: This will mount the root directory on the server side. In /Volumes/mynfs, you may still need to navigate to the appropriate directory for the user depending on the server's configuration of the share (if applicable). If you wish to mount a specific directory on the server-side share (e.g., /user/nfsdir), simply modify the command as follows:

sudo mount -o "vers=4.0,port=2049" /Volumes/mynfs

Kerberos Authentication

Additional steps are required to connect to a server that supports Kerberos authentication. For this example, we assume the user principal nfs/ already exists in the KDC database (whether that is hosted on Windows or Linux). Assuming the client-side machine has installed the relevant packages and is configured to communicate with the KDC, you will need to extract the key into the local keytab:

ktutil --keytab=/etc/krb5.keytab add -p nfs/ -w {password} -e aes256-cts-hmac-sha1-96 -V 1

The keytab file now contains the relevant entry needed to connect to an existing service principal (assuming one is hosted by the KDC). After doing so, you may need to run kinit to ensure that the ticket cache contains an entry for the recently created user principal. For example:

kinit --keytab=/etc/krb5.keytab -f nfs/

The klist command can be used to verify the correct ticket is in use. After doing so, you can connect to the NFSServer component as follows:

sudo mount -o 'vers=4.0,port=2049,sec=krb5' /Volumes/mynfs

Note: The 'sec' command line option is set to krb5 above, indicating Kerberos is only performing user authentication. You may also set this to krb5i to enable integrity protection or to krb5p to enable data encryption (this is the most secure option).

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